Batesville man arrested on child porn charges

David W. Smith; photo courtesy of Indiana State Police

A Batesville man was arrested Thursday on child pornography charges. Sgt. Stephen Wheeles, spokesman for the Indiana State Police, says that the ISP Internet Crimes Against Children Unit began an investigation last year when detectives received an anonymous tip that an IP Address in the 200 block of Country Club Road was used to view and share images of child pornography. That investigation ultimately led to detectives receiving a search warrant for the home. Wheeles says that the warrant, which was served at approximately 10:30 a.m., led to detectives discovering images of child pornography on devices and private accounts belonging to a resident.

ISP arrested 24-year-old David W. Smith on charges of Possession of Child Pornography and Child Exploitation.
The Indiana State Police are using this incident to encourage anyone with information related to internet crimes against children to submit a cyber-tip on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website at