City offers new tool to report human rights abuses

The Columbus Human Rights Commission has a new tool to gather information about harassment, discrimination or other hateful events in the community.

The agency has set up a new online reporting tool, which allows people to anonymously submit information about incidents that are happening to them or that they saw unfold. Aida Ramirez, director of the city Human Rights Commission explains the tool.

Ramirez explains the tool can be used to report situations where residents feel discriminated against. These incidents could be considered hate crimes in other states.

Although there are no hate crimes laws in Indiana the tool will help track incidents and keep statistics. She said it is hard to say what the trends are, without the data to document what is happening locally.

The tool is now available in English and Spanish and will soon be offered in other languages including Chinese and Hindi, she said.

The anonymous reports will flow into the human rights commission, but those who submit the report do have the opportunity to identify themselves and ask to be contacted by a representative of the city agency to discuss their issue, Ramirez said.

You can find the tool on the city’s website at