County judges continue push for increased staffing

Bartholomew County judges say that their staffing needs must be addressed. Judges Jim Worton, Kathleen Coriden and Kelly Benjamin says the problem is the state’s new Odyssey system. Odyssey is designed to connect courts across the state, making it easier for judges and court staff to search court cases easier. Judge Worton elaborated on the problem during a county council work session last month.


Coriden, judge for Circuit Court II, told the council then that the courts’ staffing levels are simply inadequate.


Judge Coriden appeared before the county council during a work session this week, repeating her call for an increase in staffing. Laura De DeDomenic, president of the council, opined that court staff have not had adequate time to get fully acquainted with Odyssey and that the body should wait a few more moths to determine if increased staffing is truly needed. Judge Coriden says that she “respectfully disagrees.” DeDomenic, and a few other council members, expressed concerns that the county could even afford to hire new people even if they are needed.

Councilman Mark Gorbett vigorously disagreed. He said that the judges have shown a clear need for increased staffing, noting that department heads throughout county government have given the body adequate notice that staffing needs would have to be addressed. Gorbett again chided his fellow council members for not taking steps to bring in additional revenue to county government. “We’ve been kicking this can around for years and we can’t kick it anymore,” said the former Sheriff. Gorbett says the council is in for a rude awakening come budget time, noting that many needed actions, like increased manpower, building maintenance and public-safety items like cars for the Sheriff’s Department, are going to have to be addressed. He urged the council to take steps now to address them.

DeDomenic disagreed, saying that she wanted to wait for a detailed report of the county’s financials, which she says is expected in the coming several weeks. Councilman Jorge Morales also disagreed with Gorbett, saying that he does not want to increase any taxes until he knows how much additional money would be generated for the county.

Between Superior Court 1, Superior Court 2 and the Circuit Court, judges want to increase head-count by a minimum of two. They want that extra staffing as soon as possible. Council members are expected to discuss the request further during next week’s regular session.