CPD officers receive letters of commendation

Chief Jonathan Rohde,
Officer Kelly Holley,
Officer Brandon Decker,
Mayor of Columbus Jim Lienhoop

Two Columbus police officers received letters of commendation at Tuesday’s Board of Public Works and Safety Meeting for their handling of a call involving a small child at a local store last month. Chief Jon Rohde says that Officers Brandon Decker and Kelly Holley were dispatched to a Columbus store in regards to a small child who was unsupervised. When they arrived, the officers determined that the four year old child had special needs and was unable to hear. Holley was able to communicate with the child by using sign language and determined that the child needed his diaper changed. Rohde says that Holley changed the child’s diaper and kept him calm through the use of sign language. The officers secured food and milk for the child while they worked to locate his family. Officer Decker even offered to pay the business out of his own pocket and left $20 for the diapers, baby wipes, food and toys that were used. The child was later safely reunited with his family.

Chief Rohde says that he is very proud of both officers. “Our officers possess a broad set of skills that enable them to professionally handle a variety of calls,” said Rohde. “Brandon and Kelly took the extra time to ensure that this child was cared for and eventually reunited him with his family. The compassion that they showed for this child is a testament to the work our officers do each day.”