Duke donation fuels summer school science programs

BCSC Superintendent Dr. Jim Roberts, Chip Orben and Casey Voelz with BCSC receive a giant check from Duke Energy at Monday night’s school board meeting. White River Broadcasting photo.

Duke Energy provided a $20,000 grant to Bartholomew Consolidated schools that helped 500 students take part in science, technology, engineering and math programs this summer.

Chip Orben with Duke Energy explain his company’s support for the Summer Learning Academy.

Orben said that the school district had previously taken advantage of grants to aid with reading projects. Company officials were happy to provide help to the schools for the summer STEM program, Orben said.

The school district said that students from all grade levels were chosen for the academy based on their test scores and classroom performance. The academy was held this year at Schmitt Elementary School.

A basketful of school supplies provided to teachers at Taylorsville and Clifty Creek elementaries by the Men’s Brotherhood of Faith Ministries. White River Broadcasting photo.

The district also received a report last night from the Men’s Brotherhood of Faith Ministries on their work to provide school supplies at Clifty Creek and Taylorsville elementaries.