Messer aims to restore benefits to veterans who attended ITT Tech

Congressman Luke Messer, a Republican representing Indiana’s Sixth Congressional District, had a proposal to help veterans impacted by the closure of ITT Technical Institute. It passed the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Wednesday, as part of a larger GI Bill reform package.

The Congressman’s office explains that Messer’s proposal retroactively restores GI Bill benefits to veterans who were attending Indiana-based ITT Tech, which closed its doors in September 2016. The closure impacting 40,000 students nationwide, including more than 7,000 veterans.

Messer’s provision provides full restoration of GI Bill benefits within 90 days to students who attended ITT Tech, if they were not able to transfer their credits to a new institution. It also helps veterans who may be impacted by a school closure in the future.

Rep. Messer says this was a bipartisan effort, noting that he worked with Rep. Mark Takano, a California Democrat.