New Bartholomew County restrictions going into effect Saturday

Bartholomew County health officials are putting more restrictions on activities to try to stem the rising spread of COVID-19 in the community. Dr. Brian Niedbalski, the county health officer, says new restrictions will go into effect at noon on Saturday, Nov. 21st and last until further notice.

Those restrictions include:

  • Limiting social gatherings, meetings and events to no more than 50 people and they must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Plans may be submitted for larger events, but are asked not to exceed 50 attendees. Those events may be reduced to 25 attendees if the county goes into the state’s red or severe spread category.
  • Reducing bars, nightclubs, and bar seating at restaurants to not more than 25 percent capacity while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
  • Limiting movie theaters, bowling alleys, and similar indoor entertainment venues to 50 percent capacity with social distancing.
  • Dining room food service, “Big Box” Retailers including food and hardware stores, essential businesses and other similar facilities may not exceed 50 percent capacity while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
  • Gyms, fitness centers, personal services, and similar facilities are to operate in a reduced capacity equal to 50 percent with restrictions. Those facilities must screen employees daily, wear face coverings, and equipment must be spaced out to accommodate social distancing. Equipment must be cleaned after each use and between uses. Group fitness classes should be postponed at this time.

Facilities must calculate the number of customers that these percentages represent, post that number clearly on the entry door, and ensure those numbers are not exceeded and can be checked by staff and the proper authorities.

There will be a continued need for face coverings, social distancing, frequent hand Washing and sanitation of frequently touched surfaces to slow the spread of the COVID -19 virus, Niedbalski said.