Community forum to unveil anti-opiate programs

Bartholomew County’s anti-opiate task force is nearly ready to make its recommendations on what needs to happen to stem the epidemic here.

Jeff Jones, executive lead of ASAP in Bartholomew County, is inviting you to a public forum to hear those updates, next month.

This comes just over six months after the launch of the ASAP task force in April. Jones said the organization has learned a lot and will be announcing new projects in the community to address the drug epidemic.

They will also be hoping to educate the public on the extent of the epidemic and reducing the stigma against those with addictions.

Jones said the new programs and initiatives announced in October will roll out later this year and early next year. They plan to address many of the shortcomings found in local efforts to battle the epidemic.

The forum will be at 6:30 p.m. the evening of Oct. 24th at The Commons.