Anti-drug group seeks volunteers for upcoming projects

Bartholomew County’s recently formed anti-opiate task force expects to soon begin asking for community volunteers for various projects and groups organized to fight the local drug epidemic.

Jeff Jones, the executive lead for the anti-drug efforts called ASAP or Alliance for Substance Abuse Progress in Bartholomew County, says that the group has continued its work, behind the scenes, since its launch last month.

The work is being divided up into three action teams: a legal team headed by Circuit Court Judge Kelly Benjamin, a team for treatment and recovery headed by Columbus Regional Hospital’s Julie Abedian and a prevention team led by Beth Morris of the hospital’s Healthy Communities program..

Jones said the work will be moving from broad strategies to specific tactics in the next 30 to 60 days and will be turning to the community for volunteers and other aid.

Jones said that they have been keeping lists of potential volunteers and expect to begin making contact soon.

For more information or to volunteer with any of the groups, you can email, or call 812-375-2732.

Jones was last weekend’s guest on News Talk 1010 WCSI’s News & Views, the weekly public affairs program. You can hear more about the progress of the ASAP group here.