Hope museum to preserve oral history of square

Hope’s Yellow Trail Museum will memorialize long-time community leader Merrill Clouse with an interactive display of a scale model of the Town Square.

The scale model was built by Ike Wasson, who died in January. Clouse died last week. But about six years ago, the two men recorded an oral history of the Town Square and all the locations shown in Wasson’s model.

Barb Johnson, director of the museum, said that in many ways, Clouse gave the community the Yellow Trail Museum. He was instrumental in creating the first Hope Heritage Days, which featured antiques displayed in store windows around the square.

Clouse donated a second floor of a building to give those antiques a permanent home, which was the start of the museum.

Wasson’s model recently found a home in that new portion of the museum.

A funding request for the interactive display will go to the Hope Town Council tomorrow night. The $3.500 would come from the town’s economic development income tax revenues.

Clouse’s funeral is set for 11 a.m. Wednesday at Hope Moravian Church